Pedestrian Bridge Project

The bridge will supply a missing link in the extensive trail systems of Newtown Township, Bucks County, and Southeastern Pennsylvania, enhancing access to recreational areas in both municipalities and beyond, for both residents and visitors. By drawing attention to the historic bridge, the project will promote the role this area played in the history of transportation systems and commercial development of Bucks County.

Community Support
Alignment with Local Planning Documents

Surveys for the Newtown Creek Watershed Conservation Plan (2011) indicated public desire for more bridge crossings to facilitate pedestrian traffic between State Street and Sycamore Street and the Newtown Trail. The Newtown Borough Integrated Transportation and Circulation Study (2012) recommended creating trail/bike crossings over Newtown Creek and identified the Frost Lane “trolley bridge” site as a potential location.
Both the Newtown Borough Comprehensive Plan Update (2022) and the Newtown Borough Open Space and Connectivity Plan (2022) specifically list construction of the Frost Lane bridge proposed by this project as a high priority. The Comprehensive Plan recommends reducing energy demand in the transportation sector by encouraging walking and bicycling. The Open Space and Connectivity Plan recognizes the need for this bridge as part of a larger plan to connect trail systems and recreational areas and to improve multimodal connections “that advance public health and recreation, protect natural resources, and enhance the uniquely rich historical and aesthetic context of the community.”
Economic & Quality-of-Life Benefits
The project will significantly benefit the area’s economy, as well as improve the quality of life for the wider community. The bridge will provide safe pedestrian and bicycling circulation between the residential and business districts of Newtown Borough and Newtown Township.
Currently, northern borough and township neighborhoods adjacent to the proposed bridge do not have any safe pedestrian or bicycle crossings over the creek and, therefore, no direct route to the extensive business district along Sycamore Street and Durham Road. Similarly, the bridge would provide safer and more direct pedestrian and bicycle access to the commercial center of Newtown Borough and the Newtown Theatre for Township residents living west of Sycamore Street. By connecting with the existing Newtown Trail, the bridge will also expand availability of recreational areas for residents of both municipalities. Encouraging transportation between these areas on foot or by bicycle will also result in a reduction in vehicular traffic on area roadways and the lessening of parking congestion in commercial areas.